Category Archives: Travel


It’s been over 20+ years since I last visited Santorini.  I’m as awed by its beauty now as I was then.  Something magical about a city on the side of a volcano in the middle of the Mediterranean.  Walking the foot paths along the cliffside between houses and restaurants, stopping at sunset to watch the day melt to night, is beyond description.  

Here are some photos:


Istanbul — here we come

Istanbul, the city of minarets and and Turkish delight.   We arrive at the airport, gather our luggage and meet our private car to the hotel — The Mara Pera.  After a thirteen-hour flight plus half as many hours in travel to and from airports, it was a long 18 hours.

My impression so far is one of intrigue. After dinner in the hotel — salmon on gnocchi with a broccoli soup — we took a short walk down a popular pedestrian cobblestone street. A feast for the eyes, the pastry shops are cause for Weight-Watcher suicide!  The artistry in each confection highlights the passion of the pastry chefs. Who knew there were dozens of flavored of Turkish delight? The rose-petal cubes of yummyness are a must-try.